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There are replicas, and then there are 'exact' replicas. An 'exact' replica is made by the same craftsmen, in the same way the original was made. Using the same materials, the same methods, the same tools in the exact same way. The result is a copy, an exact copy of the original, often referred to as 'museum quality'; which this one is, having been part of the 'Ferrari: Under the Skin' exhibition at the Design Museum in London and around the world over the last two years.

Mike Hawthorn became the United Kingdom's first Formula One World Champion driver in 1958. Hawthorn won the 1955 24 Hours of Le Mans, and the Hawthorn Memorial Trophy has been awarded to the most successful British or Commonwealth Formula 1 driver every year since 1959. Lewis Hamilton has won the award the most times and being its current holder.

This is an exact replica of the helmet made for Mike Hawthorn, by Everoak in the 1950s.

The result is stunning, because it looks and feels like the original, it even smells like the original. Reproducing Mike's helmet requires many man hours and skill by a master craftsman, and Bill Vero has been making helmets all his life, just the way his father and his father's father did, so this replica is the best you will get, in the world.

Contructed from a period correct shell, hand painted and aged, hand stitched canvas and leather net, this stunning helmet will be the centre piece of any helmet collection - one of the most iconic helmets, as worn by a Ferrari and British Formula 1 World Champion.

In stock, enquiries welcome.

Full size 'exact' replica, Mike Hawthorn helmet

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